South Africans fear traffic circles!

South Africans fear traffic circles!

South Africans fear traffic circles!

Apart from irresponsible overtaking, lane changing and traffic congestion, these dreaded parts of road construction most probably account for most instances of road rage! They should perhaps not even be called traffic circles but rather roundabouts. Whatever name we decide upon – it is clear that most drivers are afraid of them!

Perhaps the best way to prove the point is to stand next to a roundabout and observe for a few minutes. You will find uncertainty, carelessness, hooting and rude gestures. The Arrive Alive Road Safety Website has received numerous requests for clarification on the legal position pertaining to roundabouts [traffic circles] and mini circles and has attempted to do so with a page on “Driving around a Traffic Circle / Roundabout

In most basic terms the legal position is the following:

• Mini-circles
Slow down and give way to other vehicles that cross any Yield line before you do.
Proceed in a clockwise direction around the painted island, without driving on it.

In the words of the official legislation:
Indicates to the driver of a vehicle approaching a mini circle that he or she shall yield right of way to any vehicle which will cross any yield line at such junction before him or her and which, in the normal course of events, will cross the path of such driver’s vehicle and that the driver shall move in a clockwise direction within such junction and attempt not to encroach on the mini-circle.

• Roundabouts
You must obey traffic circle rules at the roundabout.

In the words of the official legislation:
Indicates to the driver of a vehicle that he or she shall move in a clockwise direction at the junction ahead and he or she shall yield right of way to traffic approaching from the right, within the roundabout, where such vehicles are so close as to constitute a danger or potential danger.

I would like to propose the following additional recommendations:

  • Basic Rule – always yield the right of way to traffic approaching from the right
  • Never expect other drivers to be aware of the Rules of the Road
  • Never speed/ accelerate towards or in a roundabout / traffic circle
  • If an accident is to happen…rather let it be when you are not speeding
  • When entering the roundabout, view possible exists and other vehicles within and entering the roundabout
  • Do not make sudden lane changes but rather be calculated and aware of other vehicles around you.
  • Always move to the left lane before you exit the roundabout
  • If you have made a mistake and find yourself in the wrong lane, you can always go around another time [or two] – avoid sudden movement!

A traffic circle/ roundabout need not be a threat! Let us concentrate and discuss with other road users how to arrive alive at the other side!!